Our vessel husbandry expertise with financial aid at your service.

Experience the benefits of cost controls and consistently high standards of integrated vessel husbandry services through a single point of contact wether it be crew services, bunker supply, spares supplies, provisions supplies, financial aid including bank account for funds transfer wherever you go. We offer a single 24/7 point of contact for financial and accounting matters, and utilise our agency capabilities to offer top-down control of cost and service levels.

Adhoc crew change, fuel bunkering and lay-up support in Covid-19 times.

Since the implementation of restrictions due to spread of Covid-19, PACIFIC crew change expertise has round-the-clock support for ship owners and operators to ensure crew signing off seamless and safest transfers possible. Within relevant Covid-19 guidelines, we make sure every changeover goes without a hitch.

We take care of everything you need for a successful operation with efficient, well-managed and tailored services with seamless vessel turnarounds.

Your Partner In Global Bunkering


Fuel Any Time, Anywhere!

With our global reach to provide cleaner and sustainable bunker fuels, we offer best delivery options around the world to help save you money on your bunker fuel procurement at competitive rates.

We serve every type of ship, we can meet your marine fuels and lubricants requirements that are internationally approved standards at both major bunkering locations and non-traditional refuelling ports across the globe.

You can count on us for both onshore and offshore bunker supply around the clock.

  • Residual Bunker Fuel
  • Distillate Bunker Fuel
  • Marine Lubricants

We provider husbandry services across worldwide, with ship agency and a range of shipping and logistics services to create a tailor-made integrated support package to meet the specific needs of every vessel and every port call.

We can support defence vessels with husbanding and port services in any port in the world. we safeguard your interests at ports worldwide, being ISO 9001:2015 management system certified, you can be assured of quality and professional services wherever you go.

The range of marine husbanding services offering port services and ship-handling services including the provision of pilots and tugs, the organisation of port clearances and berths, cargo handling and customs clearance.

We act as your local representative to arrange for vessel arrivals and departures; port stays; legal paperwork for intra-port movements in port master and harbour, immigration, customs and port health aspects.

  • Cash to master (CTM).

  • Pilotage fees (in, outward and shifting).

  • Maritime Port Authority dues.

  • Letters of invitation and visa applications.
  • Shore passes, Hotel and Transport bookings
  • Medical checkups
  • Launch boat services and port transfers
  • Airport meet and land transfers

  • Supply of bunker fuels, chemicals and lubricants.
  • Ship spares custom clearance (tax exemptions)
  • Launch Boat services
  • Delivery arrangements

  • All other ship requirements in-port or off-port limits (at all Indian Ports)
  • Fresh water supply
  • Garbage disposal of all categories